It Really IS True…Choose Kind!

#SOL16 Day 28Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 5.11.16 PM

Today I was talking with a colleague who shared with me that her young mother had recently been diagnosed with a very rare cancer.  She was trying to wrap her head and heart around it and has been understandably shaken.  She said it was so funny that an email I sent her last week caught her attention when she was feeling down.  The subject line simply said “HEALING THOUGHTS”.  In it I wrote, Thinking of you tonight. Hope you are feeling better (and are actually sleeping right now)!”  I sent it out before I went to bed that night. I had missed seeing her at school and heard she was out sick. She said she showed it to her fiance and it was just what she need right then. Healing thoughts were definitely on her mind.

We can’t be certain when a comment, a message, or an email might have an impact on another person, but you can be guaranteed that every kind comment, message, or email will be received with a grateful heart. I was thinking about this colleague that night and could have left it at that. I chose to take one minute and send an email letting her know she was cared about.

How many times have we thought about someone and considered reaching out, but didn’t? We are busy, we don’t want to bother them, we don’t think what we say can make much of a difference.  When in doubt…choose kind!

I was inspired by a fellow slicer this weekend (I’ve read so many posts now, I am sorry I can’t recall who) to leave some notes this week for the teachers I work with.  I had already written out several to deliver when this teacher approached me about the email I’d sent.  I wished right then I’d had written about a dozen more! These teachers just had a week of report cards and  parent conferences, and more weeks of standardized testing.  They needed to hear how appreciated they are  (and not just during the first week of May!) Think about how uplifting it is to find comments each day on our SOLC blogs! I want my colleagues to experience that lift more often, too!

I hope that I never pass up an opportunity to offer a kind word, or a quick and simple hug to another person who could use it. With the odds we are given in this life, there will be days when we all could use it!

May you all have a blessed and benevolent week.


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8 thoughts on “It Really IS True…Choose Kind!

  1. Love the line, “When in doubt, choose kind.” At times, the shortest words would have impact the most. For quite some time now, I have been sending a quote or two or an article about self-help, encouragement to some people that I know need that extra few sentences that would bring positivity. It does to me. Why not pass it on? It doesn’t cost a single penny. Just a few minutes of my time.

      1. That’s very kind of you Vilma! I think most of the people involved in this SOLC are the kind of people I would want to surround myself with!

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