#SOL19 Day 4 Spark!


For the month of March I will be participating in the Slice of Life Challenge sponsored by The Two Writing Teachers Blog. Each day I will be sharing a Quick Write as my way of slicing. The idea is to offer a SPARK that will kindle thinking and then write as quickly as you can for 5-10 minutes. No filters, no revisions.

I’ve been curating a collection of Sparks and will share some with you all month. It’s a great way to ignite your writing life.

PHOTOS:  A picture’s worth a thousand words-or at least as many as we can write in 5 minutes.

I have also curated a collection of photographs I have taken over the years to SPARK thoughts, emotions, and creative ideas. I have put them together in a GOOGLE PHOTO ALBUM. You can collect the photos of others, but sharing your own with students creates connection. Students are more curious and engaged when we share a part of our lives with them. I am happy to share my collection, but then I encourage you to create your own. You don’t have to be artsy. The idea is to freeze a moment in time or narrow the perspective of a view so that it invites thinking, reflection, and creation. I think you’ll notice I tend toward nature. What would YOU tend to capture?

Here’s one of my photos and my Quick Write for today’s slice.

Screen Shot 2019-02-24 at 9.08.10 AM.png

I am fascinated by bridges-they are purposeful structures to connect bodies, and also metaphors for the same. This photo invites me to consider, “How well have I preserved the bridges from my past?” I’ve built so many over the course of my life; every relationship, experience, or event has led me to this place in time. Sometimes I stay connected to those experiences and the bridges are strong and stable. I can travel back and forth with ease and frequency. I may not even give any thought to the connection-it’s just a continuum of where I am at this point in time. It may be seamless and understood.

But there are other bridges that have been abandoned-some might even have been burned.  I’ve created barriers to parts of my past that are somewhat difficult. There are reasons for this: self-preservation, personal growth, or even neglect. Sometimes those bridges are purposefully destroyed. Other times they may have simply been forgotten and have fallen into disrepair.

Life has a way of triggering moments from the past and only then do we contemplate the preservation of those bridges. Can we safely navigate those bridges? Do we need to rebuild some bridges? Do we need to blow up those bridges? Only we can make that choice for ourselves, but it is important to remember that we have that choice. We always will. 



15 thoughts on “#SOL19 Day 4 Spark!

  1. Ah, bridges. I have nightmares about bridges, and then I wake up contemplating what I am afraid to cross, where I feel I cannot travel, what is holding me back. Thank you for the image and the questions in the final paragaph!

  2. Bridges are so intriguing! My favorite bridges are the long ones that cross big bodies of water- so fun! Especially when they lift to let boats pass underneath.
    I love using pictures to spark my kiddos writing. They enjoy it, too 🙂 I never thought of sharing my OWN photos though- what a great idea 🙂 may try it this week!

  3. I love using photos to spark writing! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful pic and your awesome writing! Your posts always inspire me to write.

  4. These words …Only we can make that choice for ourselves, but it is important to remember that we have that choice. We always will. I will never see a bridge again and not think of you! Power of choice – it is all we have every day. Thank you for this.

  5. We are responsible for our actions and yet this . . .
    “I may not even give any thought to the connection-it’s just a continuum of where I am at this point in time. It may be seamless and understood.”

    The purpose may be revealed in a different time frame!

  6. I love the idea of using my own photos as a spark for my students. I’m kicking myself for never having thought of it! I work with at-risk students and they REALLY value relationship, so this is fantastic – and thanks for sharing yours, too!

  7. Your Sparks and your writing are inspirational. I don’t know why using my own images to spark writing hasn’t occurred to me for my teaching. I use them all the time for my own writing. Duh! Thanks.

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