#SOL19 Day 7 Spark!

Screen Shot 2019-03-02 at 5.28.56 PMFor the month of March I will be participating in the Slice of Life Challenge sponsored by The Two Writing Teachers Blog. Each day I will be sharing a Quick Write as my way of slicing. The idea is to offer a SPARK that will kindle thinking and then write as quickly as you can for 5-10 minutes. No filters, no revisions. I’ve been curating a collection of Sparks and will share some with you all month. It’s a great way to ignite your writing life.


I’ve curated a selection of instrumental music pieces from classical to contemporary to share with students to Spark their imaginations and appreciation. Here’s my Padlet, but I would encourage you to create your own cache of eclectic music. (It’s important to be aware of our personal favorites/biases and stretch out of our comfort zones to expand our students’ appreciation for a world of different musical tastes and traditions.)



Here’s my Quick Write. Can you tell which piece I am responding to?

I don’t know if I should be waltzing about my room or lying my head on my pillow as I breathe in this sweet melody. Each touch of the keyboard strikes a chord in my soul, and makes me wish I could play the piano. I alternate between images in nature, a dancer on the stage, and gazing up at the heavens. My mind cannot settle on a single image, but my heart has a constant pulse of calm joy. I guess this isn’t a composition to overthink, just to feel. Just as I settle into a calm, the tune dives into intensity and then drifts back into a melancholia. Yes, it is dreamy, but not entirely sweet dreams. It is not a lullaby but a prayer perhaps. As the day draws to a close I can recount the highs and lows and release them into the ethosphere. Music plays such an important role in my life and sometimes I don’t give it the attention or appreciation it deserves.

Ok, a bit rambling. But that’s a five minute quick write for you. What piece of music could you write to? (Did you guess mine?)

5 thoughts on “#SOL19 Day 7 Spark!

  1. Is it Vivaldi? I’ve would like to try this with my own slice today and maybe my students. I was listening to Game of Thrones soundtrack this morning as I got ready and found my mind moving with the music. I wish I had a pen or laptop. Thanks for the ideas!!

  2. Thank you for sharing your Padlet of music and your Quick Write inspired by music… I’m reading and writing in an airport at the moment. I’ve bookmarked to come back and peruse your selection.

  3. I’ll be checking out your Padlet. I prefer silence for writing, but am always looking for new classical music to counter the sounds of my children when I’m writing and working.

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