Spring Symphony Warm Up

#SOL16 Day 9Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 5.11.16 PM

If you’ve ever been been to a concert and heard the orchestra warming up, you know you get little hints of what’s to come, but it hasn’t yet coalesced into a symphony.  That’s what I think of during the late winter mornings when the birds begin tuning their instruments. This morning, I walked out to my car and was struck by the ever-growing variety of song. Even those tough Maine birds that winter over were breaking their silence with vocal warm ups.

It hasn’t been a hard winter by any stretch of the imagination. El Niño has dampened the spirits of many of us snow lovers, and it has planted some inklings of spring fever early for an area of the country that is slow to cede winter.

For those who share my passion for ornithological acoustics, I offer my favorite feathered friend refrains…my special spring sound slices that sing me into my day.

Tufted Titmouse

Black-Capped Chickadee

Eastern Phoebe

Blue Jay

Downy Woodpecker

Dark Eyed Junco

Northern Cardinal

Red-Winged Blackbird

Song Sparrow

White-Throated Sparrow

House Sparrow

As spring unfolds, more and more birds will call Maine home and add their voices to the chorus. But I am always most grateful to these early serenaders for bringing me happiness and hope that the crunchy brown around me will be greening and growing once again. I am also SO grateful for this Slice of Life Challenge that has encouraged me to slow down, tune in, and notice what is going on around to me. Focusing on these small “slices” elevates my awareness of what is important enough in my life that I want to capture and preserve in words or images. I can only imagine the same experiences for my fellow slicers!


6 thoughts on “Spring Symphony Warm Up

  1. I just slowed down, with my 14 year old son, and listened to all the sounds. Perfect –thank you. I think that is why I run at dawn — I love the sounds I hear of the day awakening. This line: SO grateful for this Slice of Life Challenge that has encouraged me to slow down, tune in, and notice what is going on around to me. Focusing on these small “slices” elevates my awareness of what is important enough in my life that I want to capture and preserve in words or images. I can only imagine the same experiences for my fellow slicers! is my favorite. I love SOL – it has done all that and more for me over the years. Thank you and enjoy!

  2. Three signs that spring is coming: Red-Winged Blackbirds, turkey vultures, and hummingbirds all make their return to Iowa. I just saw the Blackbirds today, so spring is close by! 🙂 LIving in the country, you notice how the “noise” of the birds appears during spring and disappears in the fall. Thank you for sharing this the same day I noticed spring creeping back! 🙂

    1. I am actually listening hard for that first Red-Winged Blackbird this week. It’s usually around the middle of March, but it has been so warm I am anticipating an earlier return! Enjoy that spring creep!

  3. The birds were singing here in CT also. I left my car windows open so I could keep listening as I drove, but it was still too chilly. Thankfully, they were still singing when I got home.

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