

Screen Shot 2018-02-25 at 12.49.18 PM


Acorn half eaten

Scurried tracks to the right

Wing prints of predator

Left in mid-flight



#micropoetry    #SOL18

Snowshoeing through the woods with a friend a few weeks ago, we came upon a clearing and noticed quite a scuffle in the snow. The scene told the stark story of the circle of life. Sometimes what seems cruel to one, can be a blessing to another.
So whose prayers get answered?


8 thoughts on “pray

  1. I am loving your micropoetry. I may try that for April. I like to write a poem a day in April. The realities of the circle of life can be harsh. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What an awesome thing to stumble upon. How often do we miss these sorts of things? Last Spring, a barred owl was hanging out in our back yard. We watched him in a neighbour’s tree for a week before he departed. He’d stay all day, and we even heard him and watched him call to his mate (and she answered!) Every now and then he’d swoop down suddenly, then back to his perch, and we’d see him eating.

  3. Unique poem, Paula. Clearly, you brought your “writer’s eye” with you that day. Hope things are well on your end.

  4. Loving your micropoetry. You have the eyes of a poet, and somehow the tracks you leave on the page, so spare yet insightful make me think of conferring notes, the way teachers and coaches walk into a room or conference with their eyes wide open to what might be, then capture it with a few strokes.

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